Invest in New England's Communities
A Conference on Philanthropic
Place-Based Impact Investing
April 10-11, 2025
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
About the Event
While New England’s foundations, philanthropists and mission-driven institutions have long supported programs and grantmaking with a place-based lens, much of their remaining assets (the “other 95%”) remain invested in the global markets and/or minimally aligned to their mission. However, a growing movement among philanthropists, including many organizations here in New England, are exploring and implementing additional ways to put their financial assets to work in local communities through place-based, impact investing.
On April 10 and 11, the New England Impact Investing Initiative (NEIII) and the Community Investment Project will host a mini-conference for foundations, philanthropists and mission driven institutions to explore the growing practice of place-based impact investing. We will highlight a diversity of local organizations who have moved their investment dollars to communities throughout New England and explore a range of strategies to make mission-aligned transactions a reality and improve outcomes for New England neighbors and neighborhoods.
The event hopes to:
Explore “place-based” impact investing opportunities in the New England region, with a diverse group of local foundations, philanthropists and mission driven institutions passionate about making a difference in their local communities.
Highlight some leading, regional approaches to impact investing that bridge cities, suburbs, and rural regions in more sustainable and interconnected economies.
Dive more deeply into place-based impact investing approaches to understand what it takes to move from grants-only strategies to incorporate different capital tools.
Create opportunities for foundations, philanthropists and impact investors to connect, learn, share insights and explore opportunities for greater collaboration to strengthen New England’s local investment ecosystem.
For more information about Invest in New England, contact Travis Green.